
Downscaling simulations of future precipitation based on CMIP5 outputs over the Heihe River Basin (2011-2100)

基于CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5)降水历史时期的降尺度结果数据,对未来2011-2040年,2041-2070年,2071-2100年三个时段的多年平均降水,在rcp2.6,rcp4.5及rcp8.5情景下,采用地理加权回归与HASM(High Accuracy Surface Modeling Method)相结合的方法,对其进行降尺度模拟预测,得到三种情境下2011-2040、2041-2070、2071-2100三个时段的多年平均降水的1km降尺度结果。

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岳天祥, 赵娜. (2016). 基于CMIP5气候情景的黑河流域未来降水的降尺度模拟(2011-2100). 时空三极环境大数据平台, DOI: 10.11888/Meteoro.tpdc.271243. CSTR: 18406.11.Meteoro.tpdc.271243.
[Yue, T., Zhao, N. (2016). Downscaling simulations of future precipitation based on CMIP5 outputs over the Heihe River Basin (2011-2100). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/Meteoro.tpdc.271243. CSTR: 18406.11.Meteoro.tpdc.271243. ] (下载引用: RIS格式 | RIS英文格式 | Bibtex格式 | Bibtex英文格式 )


1. Zhao, N. , Yue, T. X. , Chen, C. F. , et al. (2018). An improved statistical downscaling scheme of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission precipitation in the Heihe River basin, China. International Journal of Climatology, 38(8): 3309-3322.( 查看 | Bibtex格式)

2. TianXiang Yue. 2011. Surface Modelling: High Accuracy and High Speed Methods. New York: CRC Press (Taylor & Francis group)( 查看 | Bibtex格式)

3. Zhao, N. , Yue, T. X. , Zhao, M. W. , Du, Z. P. , Fan, Z. M. , Chen, C. F. (2014). Sensitivity studies of a high accuracy surface modeling method. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 57(1):1-11.( 查看 | Bibtex格式)

4. Na Zhao, Tian-Xiang Yue, Xun Zhou et al. Statistical downscaling of precipitation using local regression and high accuracy surface modeling method. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-016-1776-z.( 查看 | Bibtex格式)

5. Na Zhao, ChuanFa Chen, Xun Zhou, TianXiangYue*. 2015. A comparison of two downscaling methods for precipitation in China. Environmental Earth Sciences74(8), 6563-6569( 查看 | Bibtex格式)




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East: 101.00 West: 98.00
South: 38.00 North: 42.00
  • 大小: 100 MB
  • 浏览: 9,562 次
  • 下载量: 225 次
  • 共享方式: 开放获取
  • 数据时间范围: 2011-01-09 至 2101-01-08
  • 元数据更新时间: 2021-11-02
岳天祥   赵娜  

分发方: 时空三极环境大数据平台

Email: poles@itpcas.ac.cn
