Treeline shift rates dataset in the Northern Hemisphere

This is a dataset of treeline shift rates including 143 alpine treeline sites in the Northern Hemisphere. It gives the following information for each treeline site: treeline form, study site, latitude, longitude, reference, tree species, elevation, study period and annual mean elevational shift rate (m/yr).


Treeline shift rates dataset in the Northern Hemisphere. xlsx

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LU Xiaoming, Eryuan Liang. (2020). Treeline shift rates dataset in the Northern Hemisphere. 时空三极环境大数据平台, DOI: 10.11888/Paleoenv.tpdc.270971. CSTR: 18406.11.Paleoenv.tpdc.270971.
[Lu, X., Liang, E. (2020). . A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/Paleoenv.tpdc.270971. CSTR: 18406.11.Paleoenv.tpdc.270971. ] (下载引用: RIS格式 | RIS英文格式 | Bibtex格式 | Bibtex英文格式 )


1. Dyola N, Sigdel SR, Liang E, Babst F, Camarero JJ, Aryal S, Chettri N, Gao S, Lu X, Sun J, Wang T, Zhang G, Zhu H, Piao S, Peñuelas J. (2022). Species richness is a strong driver of forest biomass along broad bioclimatic gradients in the Himalayas. Ecosphere, 13:e4107( 查看 | Bibtex格式)

2. Wang Y, Liang E, Lu X, Camarero JJ, Babst F, Shen M, Peñuelas J. (2021). Warming-induced shrubline advance stalled by moisture limitation on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecography, 44: 1631-1641.( 查看 | Bibtex格式)



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License: This work is licensed under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)


1. 2022-03-23 徐国*   用途:climate change and phenology …… 中科院寒旱所

2. 2022-03-08 郑翔*   用途:郑翔宇,导师:梁尔源研究员;硕士学位论文:《高山树线模型研究》 …… 青藏高原研究所

3. 2021-06-19 Mi*   用途:My name is Mirela Beloiu and I would like to use the map published by you in my …… University of Bayreuth

4. 2021-06-02 ry*   用途:I'm a graduate student in japan. To cite this data in a study of treelines in ja …… yokohama national university

5. 2021-06-01 ry*   用途:For research …… yokohama national university

6. 2021-05-24 ry*   用途:To be used as a reference for research …… yokohama national university

7. 2021-05-24 ry*   用途:To be used as a reference for research …… yokohama national university

8. 2021-04-21 周尧*   用途:林线动态机制分析 …… 西藏农牧学院

9. 2021-04-21 周尧*   用途:国家重点研发计划 | 2017YFC0506801 …… 西藏农牧学院

10. 2021-04-19 Pa*   用途:Project ClimaLAND - a collaborative research project that aims to enrich the glo …… West University Timisoara, Romania

11. 2021-03-31 薛守*   用途:数据集中的树种分布信息用以北极植被分类 …… lzjt university

12. 2021-03-28 xu*   用途:this dataset will be used for vegetation classification in arctic …… lzjt university

13. 2021-03-13 10*   用途: ……

14. 2021-03-12 李建*   用途:GIS制图 …… 兰州数云软件科技有限公司

15. 2021-01-27 Ch*   用途:For a project on global alpine treeline ecotones supported by NASA Headquarters …… The State University of New York at Buffalo

16. 2021-01-27 Ch*   用途:For a project on alpine treeline ecotones supported by NASA Headquarters under t …… The State University of New York at Buffalo

17. 2021-01-27 Ch*   用途:For writing a Ph.D. dissertation. …… The State University of New York at Buffalo

18. 2020-12-27 Ji*   用途:Academic …… Qinghai University

19. 2020-12-26 Li*   用途:For doctoral dissertation——Alpine treeline dynamics and response sensitivity to …… IGSNRR,CAS

20. 2020-12-25 周天*   用途:老师,您好,我是用于博士毕业论文的验证,不会用此数据发表文章,谢谢您! …… 中科院地理所



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East: 180.00 West: 180.00
South: 0.00 North: 90.00
  • 时间分辨率: 100 year < x < 1000 year
  • 空间分辨率: -
  • 大小: 0.024 MB
  • 浏览: 3,528 次
  • 下载量: 29 次
  • 共享方式: 申请获取
  • 数据时间范围: 1900-01-08 至 2019-01-07
  • 数据时间描述: 1900
  • 元数据更新时间: 2022-04-15
LU Xiaoming   Eryuan Liang  

分发方: 时空三极环境大数据平台

