
The tripolar research is also the commanding point of the multi-layer coupling research of Earth system science and the cross-research of natural and social science of "future Earth". The three poles are amplifiers of global change, warming more than the rest of the globe; It is a typical area of multi-layer interaction of global climate system. It is also a region with sensitive and fragile ecosystems, and its sustainable development faces greater challenges. Scientific cognition, data first; Good polar governance, data first. Scientific data in the tri-polar region is increasingly showing the characteristics of big data, with unprecedentedly rich data from satellite and aerial remote sensing, ground sensor networks, multi-layer models and assimilation. However, the construction and application of the tri-polar big data platform still face data dispersion and has not yet formed a system.

The Arctic The Antarctic The Third pole Sanjiangyuan National Park
Latest datasets More>
Cryosphere Remote Sensing Data Hydrology Atmosphere Fundamental Geography
Data Statistics

数据集个数 2145

总数据 (GB) 102828

总注册人数(人) 62093