Vegetation map (1:1,000,000) in the Heihe River basin (2001)

Vegetation map (1:1,000,000) in the Heihe River basin (2001)

The data is the digitization of the Heihe River basin part of the 1:1 million Vegetation Atlas of China, 1:1000, 000 Vegetation Atlas of China is edited by academician Hou Xueyu, a famous vegetation ecologist (Hou Xueyu, 2001). It is jointly compiled by more than 250 experts from 53 units such as research institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences, relevant ministries and commissions, relevant departments of various provinces and regions, colleges and universities. It is another summative achievement of vegetation ecologists in China over 40 years after the publication of monographs such as vegetation of China Basic map of natural resources and natural conditions of the family. It is based on the rich first-hand information accumulated by vegetation surveys carried out throughout the country over the past half century, and the materials obtained by modern technologies such as aerial remote sensing and satellite images, as well as the latest research achievements in geology, soil science and climatology. It reflects in detail the distribution of vegetation units of 11 vegetation type groups, 796 formations and sub formations of 54 vegetation types, horizontal and vertical zonal distribution laws, and also reflects the actual distribution of more than 2000 dominant species of plants, major crops and cash crops in China, as well as the close relationship between dominant species and soil and ground geology. The atlas is a kind of realistic vegetation map, reflecting the recent quality of vegetation in China.

File naming and required software

File name: the data is stored in vector SHP format with the file name "heihe_vegetation_type_distribution.shp".
Data reading: Arcgis, Qgis and other software can be used to open the reading, Arcgis open, directly read the SHP file, to graphical expression.

Data Citations Data citation guideline What's data citation?
Cite as:

Hou, X. (2013). Vegetation map (1:1,000,000) in the Heihe River basin (2001). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

References literature

1.Yin, Z. , Xiao, H. , Zou, S. , Wang, W. , Lu, Z. , & Xu, B. . (2012). Analysis on water balance in different land cover types at upper reaches of Heihe River basin in northwestern China using SWAT model. 2012 International Symposium on Geomatics for Integrated Water Resources Management (GIWRM), 2012, :1-6. doi:10.1109/GIWRM.2012.6349606 (View Details )

2.Gao Y, Chen F, Barlage M, Liu W, Cheng G, Li X, Yu Y, Ran Y, Li H, Peng H, Ma M. (2008). Enhancement of land surface information and its impact on atmospheric modeling in the heihe river basin, northwest china. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 113(D20). (View Details )

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Geographic coverage
East: 104.20 West: 96.10
South: 37.70 North: 43.30
  • Temporal resolution: Yearly
  • Spatial resolution: 10m - 100m
  • File size: 3 MB
  • Views: 29,724
  • Downloads: 228
  • Access: Requestable
  • Temporal coverage: 2002-01-23 To 2002-01-24
  • Updated time: 2021-04-19
: HOU Xueyu  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles


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