
The cloud-free FPAR data in the Heihe River Basin (2001-2011)

基于MODIS的FPAR(Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation)产品(MCD15A2和MOD15A2)利用改进的HANTS算法去云重建得到了2001-2011每天黑河流域FPAR数据集。产品坐标系统为经纬度投影,空间范围为:96.5E-102.5E, 37.5N-43N。每天的数据存储为一个GEOTIFF文件,命名方式:heihe_yyyy_FPAR_recon.ddd.tif,其中yyyy是年份,ddd表示特定年份中的某一天。每年默认有365天的输出数据。数据类型为单精度浮点型,无效值像元填充值为255,有效的数据范围为0-100,缩放因子为0.01。

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Cite as:

Jia, L. (2014). The cloud-free FPAR data in the Heihe River Basin (2001-2011). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.3972/heihe.113.2013.db. CSTR: 18406.11.heihe.113.2013.db. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Related Literatures:

1. Jia, L., Shang, H., Hu, G., Menenti, M. (2011). Phenological response of vegetation to upstream river flow in the Heihe Rive basin by time series analysis of MODIS data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(3), 1047-1064, doi:10.5194/hess-15-1047-2011.( View Details | Bibtex)

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

References literature

1.Jia, L., Shang, H., Hu, G., Menenti, M. (2011). Phenological response of vegetation to upstream river flow in the Heihe Rive basin by time series analysis of MODIS data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(3), 1047-1064, doi:10.5194/hess-15-1047-2011. (View Details )

2.Zhou, J, Jia, L., Hu, G.C., Menenti, M. (2012). Evaluation of Harmonic Analysis of Time Series (HANTS): impact of gaps on time series reconstruction. In: The Second International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications (EORSA 2012), Shanghai, China, 8-11 June 2012, pp.31-35, doi: 10.1109/EORSA.2012.6261129. (View Details )

3.Zhou, J., Jia, L., Hu, G. & Menenti, M. (2013). A global evaluation of harmonic analysis of time series under distinct gap conditions. EARSeL eProceedings, 12(1), 58-66. (View Details )

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Geographic coverage
East: 102.50 West: 96.50
South: 37.50 North: 43.00
  • File size: 4,780 MB
  • Views: 6,928
  • Downloads: 18
  • Access: Open Access
  • Temporal coverage: 2001-01-12 To 2012-01-07
  • Updated time: 2021-04-18
: JIA Li  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles

Email: poles@itpcas.ac.cn

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