WATER: Dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with the airborne WiDAS mission in the Biandukou foci experimental area on May 31, 2008

WATER: Dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with the airborne WiDAS mission in the Biandukou foci experimental area on May 31, 2008

The dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with the airborne WiDAS mission was obtained in 5 quadrates (30 m×30 m) the Biandukou foci experimental area on May 31, 2008. WiDAS, composed of four CCD cameras, one mid-infrared thermal imager (AGEMA 550), and one infrared thermal imager (S60), can acquire CCD, MIR and TIR band data. The simultaneous ground data were the surface radiative temperature and soil moisture. The quadrates were covered with wheat, rape and bare land. The radiative temperature of 25 corner points (located in No. 2, 3, 4 and 5 quadrates) were acquired.

(1) the surface radiative temperature by the handheld infrared thermometer; the quadrate of 30 m×30 m was divided into 21 corner points and each point was measured three times; two for the bare land and one for the vegetation if the two coexist. The data included raw data, recorded data and the blackbody calibrated data.

(2) soil moisture (0-5cm) by TDR; 16 center points of the subplot (7.5m×7.5m) were measured three times and the data were archived as Excel files.

(3) the time-continuous surface radiative temperature by the fixed automatic thermometer (FOV: 10°; emissivity: 0.95), observing straight downwards at intervals of 1s. Raw data, blackbody calibrated data and processed data were archived as Excel files.

Four data files were included, the fixed point temperature in No. 2, 3, 4 and 5 quadrates, the radiative temperature by the handheld infrared thermometer, calibration data and the time-continuous data.

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Wang, H., Luo, Z. (2013). WATER: Dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with the airborne WiDAS mission in the Biandukou foci experimental area on May 31, 2008. A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.3972/water973.0031.db. CSTR: 18406.11.water973.0031.db. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

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References literature

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Support Program

National Program on Key Basic Research Project (973 Program (No:2007CB714400)

The CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Action Plan for West Development Project (No:KZCX2-XB2-09)

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The authors of this data do not specify data usage restrictions, please respectintellectual property rights and laws, and do not use the data for illegal purposes

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  • File size: 6 MB
  • Views: 11,510
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  • Access: Open Access
  • Temporal coverage: 2008-06-11 To 2008-06-11
  • Updated time: 2021-04-19
: CHAI Yuan   KANG Guoting   QIAN Yonggang   REN Huazhong   WANG Haoxing   LIU Xiaocheng   LIANG Wenguang   LI Xiaoyu   HUANG Bo   LUO Zhen  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles

Email: poles@itpcas.ac.cn

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