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Landuse/Landcover data of the Heihe river basin (2000)

China 1:100000 data of land use is a major application in the Chinese Academy of Sciences "five-year" project "the national resources and environment remote sensing macroscopic investigation and study of dynamic organized 19 Chinese Academy of Sciences institute of remote sensing science and technology team, by means of satellite remote sensing, in three years based on Landsat MSS, TM and ETM remote sensing data established China 1:100000 images and vector of land use database.The main contents include: China 1:100,000 land use data;China 1:100,000 land use graph data and attribute data. The data was directly clipped from China's 1:100,000 land-use data.A hierarchical land cover classification system was adopted for the land use data of heihe basin of 1:100,000, and the whole basin was divided into 6 primary categories (arable land, forest land, grassland, water area, urban and rural areas, industrial and mining areas, residential land and unused land) and 26 secondary categories.The data type is vector polygon, which is stored in Shape format.There are two types of data projection: WGS84/ALBERS;Data coverage covers the new heihe watershed boundary (lack of outer Mongolia data). Land use classification attributes: The first class type and the second class type attributes encode the spatial distribution position Cultivated paddy field 113 is mainly distributed in alluvial plain, basin and valley Cultivated paddy field 112 distributed in hilly valley narrow valley platform or beach (with irrigation conditions) Cultivated paddy field 111 is mainly distributed in mountain valley narrow valley platform or beach (with better irrigation conditions) Arable land 124 is mainly distributed in mountainous areas, the slope is generally more than 25 degrees (belongs to the steep slope hanging land), should be returned to forest. Cultivated dry land 123 is mainly distributed in basins, piedmont belts, river alluvial, diluvial or lacustrine plains (water shortage and poor irrigation conditions). Cultivated dry land 122 is mainly distributed in hilly areas (shaanxi, gan, ning, qing).In general, the plot is distributed on gentle slopes and x and sockets of hills. Arable land 121 is mainly distributed in the mountainous area, with an elevation of 4000 meters below the slope (gentle slope, mountainside, steep slope platform, etc.) and mountain front belt. Woodlands have woodlands (trees) 21 mainly distributed in the mountains (below 4000 meters above sea level) or in the slope, valley two slopes, mountain tops, plains.In qinghai nanshan, qilian mountains are. Woodland shrub 22 is mainly distributed in the higher mountain areas (below 4500 m), most of the distribution of hillside and valley and sand. Forest dredging 23 mainly distributed in the mountains, hills, plains and sandy land, gobi (soil, gravel) edge. Other woodlands 24 are mainly distributed in the oasis ridge, river, roadside and rural residential areas around. Grassland 31 is generally distributed in mountainous areas (gentle slopes), hills (steep slopes) and interriver beaches, gobi desert, sandy hills, etc. The covered grassland 32 is mainly distributed in dry places (next door low-lying land and sandy hills, etc.). Grassland low cover grassland 33 mainly grows in drier places (loess hills and sandy edges). The river channel 41 is mainly distributed in the plain, the cultivated land between the rivers and the valleys in the mountains. Water lakes are mainly distributed in low-lying areas. The reservoirs are mainly distributed in the intermountain lowlands and intersandy hills in qinghai province. Water area glaciers and permanent snow 44 mainly distributed in the plain, the valley between the river, there are surrounding residents and arable land. Waters and beaches are mainly distributed on the top of (over 4000) mountains.


Heihe 30m FAPAR production (2012)

Image format: tif Image size: about 925M per scene Time range: may-october 2012 Time resolution: month Spatial resolution: 30m The algorithm firstly adopts the canopy BRDF model and presents the canopy reflectivity as a function of a series of parameters such as FAPAR, wavelength, reflectance of soil and leaves, aggregation index, incidence and observation Angle.The parameter table is established for several key parameters as the input of inversion.Then input the pre-processed surface reflectance data and land cover data, and invert LAI/FAPAR products by look-up table (LUT) method. See references for detailed algorithm.


The annual ecological investigation data of desert vegetation with different desert types in Heihe River basin (2011)

At the end of September and the beginning of October, 2011, a year-end ecological survey was carried out in heihe river basin for plants of different desert types to stop growing. There are altogether 8 survey and observation fields, which are: piedmont desert, piedmont gobi, middle reaches desert, middle reaches gobi, middle reaches desert, lower reaches desert, lower reaches gobi and lower reaches desert, with a size of 40m×40m. Three 20m×20m large quadrats were fixed in each observation field, named S1, S2 and S3, and regular shrub surveys were conducted.Each large quadrat was fixed with 4 5m x 5m small quadrats, named A, B, C, D, for the herbal survey.


The annual ecological investigation data of desert vegetation with different desert types in Heihe river basin in 2013

At the end of September and the beginning of October, 2013, desert plants in typical areas of heihe basin stopped their growth period to conduct year-end ecological survey. There are altogether 8 survey and observation fields, which are: piedmont desert, piedmont gobi, middle reaches desert, middle reaches gobi, middle reaches desert, lower reaches desert, lower reaches gobi and lower reaches desert, with a size of 40m×40m. Three 20m×20m large quadrats were fixed in each observation field, named S1, S2 and S3, and regular shrub surveys were conducted.Each large quadrat was fixed with 4 5m x 5m small quadrats, named A, B, C, D, for the herbal survey.


Associative datas of diversity and environmental factors of grassland main plants functional traits in Heihe River Basin (2013)

Correlation data of vegetation functional traits with topographic factors and pastoral animal husbandry activity factors, including: 1) observation data of main functional traits of 2-3 kinds of grassland plants in elevation, slope and slope upward; 2) correlation analysis data of vegetation functional traits and topographic factors; 3) correlation analysis data between vegetation functional traits and livestock activity intensity factors.


HiWATER: Dataset of fractional vegetation cover and biomass observed in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin (2014)

This data includes the coverage data set of vegetation in one growth cycle in five stations of Daman super station, wetland, desert, desert and Gobi, and the biomass data set of maize and wetland reed in one growth cycle in Daman super station. The observation time starts from May 10, 2014 and ends on September 11, 2014. 1 coverage observation 1.1 observation time 1.1.1 super station: the observation period is from May 10 to September 11, 2014. Before July 20, the observation is once every five days. After July 20, the observation is once every 10 days. A total of 17 observations are made. The specific observation time is as follows:; Super stations: May 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 10, 15, 20, 20, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15 1.1.2 other four stations: the observation period is from May 20 to September 15, 2014, once every 10 days, and 11 observations have been made in total. The specific observation time is as follows:; Other four stations: May 10, 2014, May 20, 2014, May 30, 2014, June 10, 2014, June 20, 2014, June 30, July 10, 2014, July 20, August 5, 2014, August 17, 2014, September 11, 2014 1.2 observation method 1.2.1 measuring instruments and principles: The digital camera is placed on the instrument platform at the front end of the simple support pole to keep the shooting vertical and downward and remotely control the camera measurement data. The observation frame can be used to change the shooting height of the camera and realize targeted measurement for different types of vegetation. 1.2.2 design of sample Super station: take 3 plots in total, the sample size of each plot is 10 × 10 meters, take photos along two diagonal lines in turn each time, take 9-10 photos in total; Wetland station: take 2 sample plots, each plot is 10 × 10 meters in size, and take 9-10 photos for each survey; 3 other stations: select 1 sample plot, each sample plot is 10 × 10 meters in size, and take 9-10 photos for each survey; 1.2.3 shooting method For the super station corn and wetland station reed, the observation frame is directly used to ensure that the camera on the observation frame is far higher than the vegetation crown height. Samples are taken along the diagonal in the square quadrat, and then the arithmetic average is made. In the case of a small field angle (< 30 °), the field of view includes more than 2 ridges with a full cycle, and the side length of the photo is parallel to the ridge; in the other three sites, due to the relatively low vegetation, the camera is directly used to take pictures vertically downward (without using the bracket). 1.2.4 coverage calculation The coverage calculation is completed by Beijing Normal University, and an automatic classification method is adopted. For details, see article 1 of "recommended references". By transforming RGB color space to lab space which is easier to distinguish green vegetation, the histogram of green component A is clustered to separate green vegetation and non green background, and the vegetation coverage of a single photo is obtained. The advantage of this method lies in its simple algorithm, easy to implement and high degree of automation and precision. In the future, more rapid, automatic and accurate classification methods are needed to maximize the advantages of digital camera methods. 2 biomass observation 2.1 observation time 2.1.1 corn: the observation period is from May 10 to September 11, 2014, once every 5 days before July 20, and once every 10 days after July 20. A total of 17 observations have been made. The specific observation time is as follows:; Super stations: May 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 10, 15, 20, 20, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15 2.1.2 Reed: the observation period is from May 20 to September 15, 2014, once every 10 days, and 11 observations have been made in total. The specific observation time is as follows:; 2014-5-10、2014-5-20、2014-5-30、2014-6-10、2014-6-20、2014-6-30、2014-7-10、2014-7-20、2014-8-5、2014-8-17、2014-9-11 2.2 observation method Corn: select three sample plots, and select three corn plants that represent the average level of each sample plot for each observation, respectively weigh the fresh weight (aboveground biomass + underground biomass) and the corresponding dry weight (85 ℃ constant temperature drying), and calculate the biomass of unit area corn according to the plant spacing and row spacing; Reed: set two 0.5m × 0.5m quadrats, cut them in the same place, and weigh the fresh weight (stem and leaf) and dry weight (constant temperature drying at 85 ℃) of reed respectively. 2.3 observation instruments Balance (accuracy 0.01g), oven. 3 data storage All the observation data were recorded in the excel table first, and then stored in the excel table. At the same time, the data of corn planting structure was sorted out, including the plant spacing, row spacing, planting time, irrigation time, except for the parent time, harvesting time and other relevant information.


Canopy interception dataset of Picea crassifolia in Tianlaochi watershed of Qilian Mountain

The data are from 2011 to 2012. A 30m×30m Picea crassifolia canopy interception sample plot was set up in the Picea crassifolia sample plot at an altitude of 2800m m. A siphon raingauge model DSJ2 (Tianjin Meteorological Instrument Factory) was set up on the open land of the river about 50m from the sample plot to observe the rainfall outside the forest and its characteristics. Penetrating rain in the forest adopts a combination of manual observation and automatic observation. Automatic observation is mainly realized through a penetrating rain collection system arranged in the interception sample plot, which consists of a water collecting tank and an automatic recorder. Two 400cm×20cm water collecting tanks are connected with DSJ2 siphon rain gauge, and the change characteristics of penetrating rain under the forest are continuously recorded by an automatic recorder. Due to the spatial variability of the canopy structure of Picea crassifolia forest in the sample plot, a standard rainfall tube for manual observation is also arranged in the sample plot to observe the penetrating rain in the forest. Ninety rainfall tubes with a diameter of 20cm are arranged in the sample plot at intervals of 3m. After each precipitation event ends and the penetrating rain in the forest stops, the amount of water in the rain barrel will be emptied and the penetrating rain in the barrel will be measured with the rain cup.


HiWATER: Dataset of differential GPS in the middle and upper reaches of the Heihe River Basin (2012)

The purpose of differential GPS positioning survey is to unify multiple survey areas into the same coordinate system and realize accurate absolute positioning through joint survey with national high-level control point coordinates. Under the national geodetic coordinate system of 2000, the accurate positioning of flux observation matrix, hulugou small watershed, tianmuchi small watershed and dayokou watershed and target is completed. In order to realize the geometric correction and absolute positioning of optical image, SAR image and airborne lidar data, the layout of ground control points and high-precision measurement are completed. In the middle reaches of the area, one national high-level control point is jointly surveyed in the five directions of East, South, West, North and middle. Measuring instrument: There are 3 sets of triple R8 GNSS system. Measurement principle: For the control network encryption point, it is connected with the high-level known points in four quadrants around the survey area and distributed evenly in the survey area. For the ground control point (GCP), the obvious characteristic points (such as house corner, road intersection, inflection point, etc.) of the ground layout target and the independent ground objects are adopted and evenly distributed in the survey area. For the ground points with high accuracy requirements, the principle of average value of multiple (at least three) measurements is adopted. Measurement method: In the test area, the control network is encrypted, and GPS static measurement and national high-level control network are used for joint measurement and calculation. During measurement, multiple GPS receivers conduct static synchronous observation at different stations, and the observation time is strictly in accordance with the control network measurement specifications. The ground points in the test area are accurately located. GPS-RTK positioning technology is used and the national high-level control points are used to calibrate to the local coordinate system. When the mobile station obtains the fixed solution during the coordinate acquisition, the measurement is carried out again and the single measurement lasts for 5S. Measuring position: (1) Flux observation matrix 17 stations, Las tower, waternet, soilnet and bnunet nodes in the core area of flux observation matrix; ground control points in CASI flight area; ground corner reflector positions in radar coverage area; ground target positions in lidar flight area. (2) Hulugou small watershed Ground target location of lidar flight area. (3) Tianmuchi small watershed Ground target location of lidar flight area. (4) Dayokou Basin Satellite image geometric correction ground control point. Data format: GPS static survey, the original data format is ". Dat" and ". T01" (or ". T02") files (or converted renix data) and "field record". GPS-RTK survey, the original project is ". Job" file (or converted ". DC" file). The test results are submitted in the format of exported ". CSV" data, which can be viewed and edited by Excel software. Measurement time: June 19, 2012 to July 30, 2012


Coverage data of Picea crassifolia sample in Tianlaochi watershed of Qilian Mountain

The data is a fisheye photo above the interception barrel of the Picea crassifolia plot in the Tianlaochi small watershed of Qilian Mountain. The plot has a latitude and longitude of 38.44N, 99.91E, and an altitude of 2793m. Photo DSC_0008——DSC_0097 corresponds to Fisheye photos above interception barrels 1 to 90 respectively. The camera is directly above the interception barrel and the lens is 1m above the ground. It is used to estimate the cover or LAI of Qinghai spruce forest, and the pictures are processed with Gap Light Analyzer software.
