Current Browsing: Heihe River Basin

Heihe 30m FAPAR production (2012)

Image format: tif Image size: about 925M per scene Time range: may-october 2012 Time resolution: month Spatial resolution: 30m The algorithm firstly adopts the canopy BRDF model and presents the canopy reflectivity as a function of a series of parameters such as FAPAR, wavelength, reflectance of soil and leaves, aggregation index, incidence and observation Angle.The parameter table is established for several key parameters as the input of inversion.Then input the pre-processed surface reflectance data and land cover data, and invert LAI/FAPAR products by look-up table (LUT) method. See references for detailed algorithm.


The annual ecological investigation data of desert vegetation with different desert types in Heihe River basin (2011)

At the end of September and the beginning of October, 2011, a year-end ecological survey was carried out in heihe river basin for plants of different desert types to stop growing. There are altogether 8 survey and observation fields, which are: piedmont desert, piedmont gobi, middle reaches desert, middle reaches gobi, middle reaches desert, lower reaches desert, lower reaches gobi and lower reaches desert, with a size of 40m×40m. Three 20m×20m large quadrats were fixed in each observation field, named S1, S2 and S3, and regular shrub surveys were conducted.Each large quadrat was fixed with 4 5m x 5m small quadrats, named A, B, C, D, for the herbal survey.


The annual ecological investigation data of desert vegetation with different desert types in Heihe river basin in 2013

At the end of September and the beginning of October, 2013, desert plants in typical areas of heihe basin stopped their growth period to conduct year-end ecological survey. There are altogether 8 survey and observation fields, which are: piedmont desert, piedmont gobi, middle reaches desert, middle reaches gobi, middle reaches desert, lower reaches desert, lower reaches gobi and lower reaches desert, with a size of 40m×40m. Three 20m×20m large quadrats were fixed in each observation field, named S1, S2 and S3, and regular shrub surveys were conducted.Each large quadrat was fixed with 4 5m x 5m small quadrats, named A, B, C, D, for the herbal survey.


Associative datas of diversity and environmental factors of grassland main plants functional traits in Heihe River Basin (2013)

Correlation data of vegetation functional traits with topographic factors and pastoral animal husbandry activity factors, including: 1) observation data of main functional traits of 2-3 kinds of grassland plants in elevation, slope and slope upward; 2) correlation analysis data of vegetation functional traits and topographic factors; 3) correlation analysis data between vegetation functional traits and livestock activity intensity factors.


Saturated hydraulic conductivity of representative samples in the Heihe River Basin (2012-2013)

The dataset includes the saturated hydraulic conductivity data of typical soil samples in Heihe River Basin from July 2012 to August 2013. The collection method of typical soil sample points in Heihe River Basin is representative sampling, which means that the typical soil types in the landscape area can be collected, and the sample points with higher representativeness can be collected as much as possible, and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of each type of soil can be measured three times for the average value.


Soil organic matter content of representative samples in the Heihe River basin (2012-2013)

This dataset contains soil organic matter content data of typical soil samples in heihe river basin from July 2012 to August 2013.The collection method of typical soil sample points in heihe river basin is representative sampling, which refers to the collection of typical soil types in the landscape area and the collection of highly representative sample points as far as possible.Soil samples from each profile were taken on the basis of diagnostic layers and diagnostic characteristics, classified according to the Chinese soil system.


Soil physical properties - soil bulk density and mechanical composition dataset of Tianlaochi Watershed in Qilian Mountains

A total of 137 soil samples of different vegetation types, different altitudes and different terrains were collected from June 2012 to August 2012. The soil layer of each sample point was divided into three layers of 0-10cm, 10-20cm and 20-30cm, with an altitude of 2700-3500m m. The vegetation types were divided into five types: Picea crassifolia forest, Sabina przewalskii, subalpine scrub meadow, grassland and dry grassland. At the same time of sampling, hand-held GPS is used to record the location information and environmental information of each sampling point, including longitude, latitude, altitude, slope, aspect, terrain curvature, vegetation type, soil thickness, maximum root depth, etc. Soil bulk density: The measurement method of soil bulk density is to put the sample into an envelope and dry it in an oven at 105℃ for 24 hours, then take it out and place it for 30 minutes to weigh. The ratio of the weighing result to the volume of the ring cutter is the soil bulk density, and the unit is g/cm3. Soil mechanical composition: hydrometer method is used to measure the soil mechanical composition, which includes the content of soil sand, silt and clay.


A survey construction of a water-saving society in Zhangye city, Gansu (2013)

Through the questionnaire survey of different water users in Zhangye City, the data on the implementation of water-saving society construction policies in Zhangye City are sorted out. The survey is mainly carried out on farmers and urban residents in all counties under Zhangye City's jurisdiction. The main contents include: people's awareness of water resources, water pollution, water-saving policies and willingness to participate in water conservation; The social and economic situation, gender, age, educational level, occupation, etc. of the interviewees. Survey objects: urban and rural residents over 18 years old in Minle County, Shandan County, Ganzhou District, Linze County, Gaotai County and Sunan County of Zhangye City.


HiWATER: Dataset of hydrometeorological observation network (No.4 runoff observation system of Wujing bridge on the Heihe River, 2014)

The data set includes the observation data of river water level and velocity at No. 4 point in the dense observation of runoff in the middle reaches of Heihe River from January 1 to June 25, 2014. The observation point is located in Heihe bridge, Shangbao village, Jing'an Township, Zhangye City, Gansu Province. The riverbed is sandy gravel with unstable section. The longitude and latitude of the observation point are n39 ° 03'53.23 ", E100 ° 25'59.31", with an altitude of 1431m and a width of 58m. In 2012, hobo pressure type water level gauge was used for water level observation with acquisition frequency of 30 minutes; since 2013, sr50 ultrasonic distance meter was used with acquisition frequency of 30 minutes. The data description includes the following parts: For water level observation, the observation frequency is 30 minutes, unit (CM); the data covers the period from January 1, 2014 to June 25, 2014; for flow observation, unit (M3); for flow monitoring according to different water levels, the water level flow curve is obtained, and the runoff change process is obtained based on the observation of water level process. The missing data is uniformly represented by string-6999. Refer to Li et al. (2013) for hydrometeorological network or station information and he et al. (2016) for observation data processing.


HiWATER: Dataset of hydrometeorological observation network (No.2 runoff observation system of 312 bridge on the Heihe River, 2015)

The data set includes the river level observation data of point 2 in the dense runoff observation of the middle reaches of Heihe River from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. The observation point is located in Heihe bridge, 312 National Road, Zhangye City, Gansu Province. The riverbed is sandy gravel with unstable section. The longitude and latitude of the observation point are n38.996667 °, e100.427222 °, altitude 1485m, river width 70m and 20m. Sr50 ultrasonic range finder is used for water level observation, with acquisition frequency of 30 minutes. The data includes the following parts: Water level observation, observation frequency 30 minutes, unit (CM); In 2015, the section of bridge no.2-312 was frequently disturbed by human beings. The dam was built within 1km of the upstream and downstream of the section. The unstable area of the hydrological section led to the disorder of the water level and flow curve. During the measurement, the stable flow and water level curve could not be obtained. The observation of water level is based on the manual observation of water level at 0:00 on January 1, 2015. In the later stage, the hydrological section of river undercut changes. The result is that the datum water level changes and negative value appears; Refer to Li et al. (2013) for hydrometeorological network or station information, and he et al. (2016) for observation data processing
