Current Browsing: Heihe River Basin

Heihe 30 meters LAI production (2012)

From May to October 2012, the monthly Lai vegetation index product data of 30 meters in Heihe River Basin was retrieved by using the environmental satellite CCD image, and the inversion method was based on the look-up table method and go + Hapke model. In the inversion process, Nelson parameters are determined according to vegetation types.


Simulated forcing dataset of 3km/6hour in Heihe River basin (1980-2010)

These processes include the biosphere - atmosphere transmission solutions, using FC80 closed Grell cumulus parameterization scheme, MRF planetary boundary condition and modify the CCM3 radiation, such as the heihe river basin observation and remote sensing data of important parameters in the model for second rate, and USES the heihe river basin vegetation data list data of land use in 2000 and the heihe river basin in 30 SEC DEM data, building up suitable for the study of heihe river basin ecological - hydrological processes of the regional climate model. Spatial scope: the grid center of the simulation area is located at (40.30n, 99.50e), the horizontal resolution is 3 km, and the number of simulated grid points in the model is 161 (meridional) X 201 (zonal). Projection: LAMBERT conformal projection, two standard latitudes of 30N and 60N. Time range: from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 2010, with an interval of 6 hours Description of file contents: monthly storage by grads without format.Except the maximum and minimum temperature as the daily scale, the other variables are all 6-hour data. MATLAB can be used to read, visible tmax_erain_xiong_heihe.m file description. Data description of heihe river basin: 1) Anemometer west wind (m/s) abbreviation usurf 2) Anemometer south wind(m/s), abbreviation vsurf College 3) Anemometer temperature (degK) abbreviation tsurf College 4) maximal temperature (degK) abbreviation tmax 5) minimal temperature (deg K) abbreviated tmin 6) college Anemom specific humidity (g/kg) abbreviation qsurf 7) value (mm/hr) abbreviation precip 8) Accumulated evaporation (mm/hr) abbreviation evap 9) Accumulated sensible heat (watts/m**2/hr) abbreviation sensible 10) Accumulated net infrared radiation (watts/m * * 2 / hr) abbreviation netrad Definition file name: Abbreviation-erain-xiong. YTD


LAI and FAPAR field measured datasets in Heihe Basin ( 2012 )

This data includes FAPAR and LAI data of ground sample points collected in 2012.The acquisition equipment were SunScane and lai-2000.Among them, the spread value was obtained by FAPAR measurement for 4 times.The sampling sites were located around zhangye on July 15, 2012 at solstice on July 4, 2012, including arol, linze, jiulongjiang forest farm, danoguchi and wuxing village.A total of 637 sets of data were measured.


FAPAR field measured datasets in Heihe basin (2011)

This data includes the fAPAR and Lai data collected in 2011. The acquisition equipment is SunScan and LAI-2000. Among them, fAPAR measures 4 times of spread value. The sampling points are located in Zhangye agricultural demonstration base on July 30, 2011, next to national highway 312 in Ejina banner on August 4, sandaoqiao in Ejina banner on August 5 and Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on August 6, 2011. Around Zhangye from July 4 to July 15, 2012.


Dataset of physilogical ecology for dominants in the Heihe River Basin (2013)

The data set is the physiological and ecological parameters of the dominant species of each ecosystem in Heihe River Basin. According to the requirements of tesim model, the data set divides Heihe River basin into seven ecosystems: deciduous broad-leaved forest ecosystem (BRD), evergreen coniferous forest ecosystem (CNF), agricultural field ecosystem (CRP), desert ecosystem (DST), meadow grassland ecosystem (MDS) Shrubbery ecosystem (SHB) and grassland ecosystem (STP). Some of the data in this data set are based on the measured data, some are obtained by reference documents, but after verification, they are applied to the Heihe River Basin. For the data in this data, each parameter of each ecosystem has three values, which are the value in the model, the minimum value and the maximum value of this parameter. The data can provide input parameters for the ecological process model, and the data set is still in further optimization.


The samples description data in the lower reaches of Heihe River

The survey area is 101 ° 3 ′ 13.265 ″ longitude, 42 ° 1 ′ 53.660 ″ latitude and 883.54m altitude. The sample area is 100 × 100m, and the sample area is 20 × 20m. The crown width, height and DBH of Populus euphratica were investigated.


Dataset of rainfall data at different altitudes for the 10-day period in the Tianlaochi Basin of the Qilian Mountains

Five different altitude zones were selected for this test. Their altitude, latitude and longitude are 3650 meters above sea level, latitude and longitude 99°55'24 E, 38°24'60" N; altitude of 3550 meters, latitude and longitude 99°55'28 E, 38°25'11" N; 3450 meters above sea level, longitude and latitude 99°55'38 E, 38°25'68" N; 3350 meters above sea level, longitude and latitude 99°55'37 E, 38°25'11" N; 3050 meters above sea level, longitude and latitude 99°55'42 E, 38°25'54" N. From May 31 to August 31, 2011, in the case of natural rainfall, the total rainfall was measured once every ten days using a rain gauge on five samples. To compare the difference in rainfall at different altitudes, it is necessary to combine the rainfall data observed by the project at the grassland weather station in 2011.


The data of field investigation and experimental observations of intraspecific and interspecific relationship (2013)

The dataset investigated the growth status of plants and leaf morphological indexes of single and conjoined red sand and pearl in the middle and lower reaches of heihe river basin in 2013. The growth indexes were crown width, plant height, and biomass of fine roots and thick roots.Leaf shape indicators are: length, width, thickness, and leaf area, volume, etc.The experimental observation indexes are: leaf nitrogen content, water potential, gas exchange data, chlorophyll fluorescence data. Data include: field observation data and explanatory documents.


Heihe River Basin

"Heihe River Basin Ecological hydrological comprehensive atlas" is supported by the key project of Heihe River Basin Ecological hydrological process integration research. It aims at data arrangement and service of Heihe River Basin Ecological hydrological process integration research. The atlas will provide researchers with a comprehensive and detailed background introduction and basic data set of Heihe River Basin. The location map of Heihe River Basin in the whole country is one of the basic geographic chapters of atlas, with a scale of 1:2500000, positive axis isometric conic projection and standard latitude of 25 47 n. Data sources: 1:250000 China administrative division data, 1:250000 main rivers and lakes data, and Heihe River basin boundary data.


Soil type of Heihe River Basin

"Heihe River Basin Ecological hydrological comprehensive atlas" is supported by the key project of Heihe River Basin Ecological hydrological process integration research. It aims at data arrangement and service of Heihe River Basin Ecological hydrological process integration research. The atlas will provide researchers with a comprehensive and detailed background introduction and basic data set of Heihe River Basin. The soil type map of Heihe River Basin is one of the land surface layers in the atlas, with a scale of 1:2500000, a positive axis equal conic projection, and a standard latitude of 25 47 n. Data source: 1:1 million soil type data of Heihe River Basin Based on the second Soil Census, road data of Heihe River Basin in 2010, administrative boundary data of Heihe River Basin in 2008, residential area data of Heihe River Basin in 2009 and 100000 river data in 2009.
