Current Browsing: Heihe River Basin

Data of industrial structure change and water use evolution trend of social and economic development in Heihe River Basin

Data of industrial structure change and water use evolution trend of social and economic development in Heihe River Basin


Wind snow data of dadongshuyakou observation station in Heihe River basin (2014)

This data includes the distribution along the height of the blowing snow flux collected during the wind-blown snow event at the big winter tree pass observation station (longitude 100 degrees 14 minutes 28 seconds east and latitude 38 degrees 00 minutes 58 seconds north) on December 17, 2013 at solstice on July 9, 2014.


Simulation results of eco hydrological model in the middle and lower reaches of Heihe river v1.0 (2001-2012)

This project use distributed HEIFLOW Ecological hydrology model (Hydrological - Ecological Integrated watershed - scale FLOW model) of heihe river middle and lower reaches of the eco Hydrological process simulation.The model USES the dynamic land use function, and adopts the land use data of the three phases of 2000, 2007 and 2011 provided by hu xiaoli et al. The space-time range and accuracy of simulation are as follows: Simulation period: 2000-2012, of which 2000 is the model warm-up period Analog step size: day by day Simulation space range: the middle and lower reaches of heihe river, model area 90589 square kilometers Spatial accuracy of the simulation: 1km×1km grid was used on both the surface and underground, and there were 90589 hydrological response units on the surface.Underground is divided into 5 layers, each layer 90589 mobile grid The data set of HEIFLOW model simulation results includes the following variables: (1) precipitation (unit: mm/month) (2) observed values of main outbound runoff in the upper reaches of heihe river (unit: m3 / s) (3) evapotranspiration (unit: mm/month) (4) soil infiltration amount (unit: mm/month) (5) surface yield flow (unit: mm/month) (6) shallow groundwater head (unit: m) (7) groundwater evaporation (unit: m3 / month) (8) supply of shallow groundwater (unit: m3 / month) (9) groundwater exposure (unit: m3 / month) (10) river-groundwater exchange (unit: m3 / month) (11) simulated river flow value of four hydrological stations of heihe main stream (gaoya, zhengyi gorge, senmaying, langxin mountain) (unit: cubic meter/second) The first two variables above are model-driven data, and the rest are model simulation quantities.The time range of all variables is 2001-2012, and the time scale is month.The spatial distributed data precision is 1km×1km, and the data format is tif. In the above variables, if the negative value is encountered, it represents the groundwater excretion (such as groundwater evaporation, groundwater exposure, groundwater recharge channel, etc.).If groundwater depth is required, the groundwater head data can be subtracted from the surface elevation data of the model. In some areas, the groundwater head may be higher than the surface, indicating the presence of groundwater exposure. In addition, the dataset provides: Middle and downstream model modeling scope (format:.shp) Surface elevation of the middle and downstream model (in the format of. Tif) All the above data are in the frame of WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_47N. Take heiflow_v1_et_2001m01.tif as an example to illustrate the naming rules of data files: HEIFLOW: model name V1: data set version 1.0 ET: variable name 2001M01: January 2000, where M represents month


Sample ponit distribution in the upstream of the Heihe River Basin

This data is the longitude and latitude information of soil water sampling points in the "observation experiment of Soil Hydrological heterogeneity in the upper reaches of Heihe River and its impact on the hydrological process in mountainous areas" (91125010) of Heihe project, which is mainly used to express the spatial distribution of soil water sampling points in this project.


Groundwater level dataset in the middle and lower of Heihe River Basin (2013-2015)

Through e-Sense / diver hydrological monitoring equipment and dynamic remote monitoring system, the hydrological monitoring data of key stations in Heihe River Basin in the three years from 2013 to 2015 in non freezing period are obtained, mainly including the temperature and water level of three groundwater (Qilian station, Linze station, Ejina station) and six river surface water (Yingluoxia station, Gaoya station, Zhengyixia station, shaomaying station, langxinshan station, Juyanhai station) According to the data, the time resolution is 1H.


Scenario data of social and economic development in Heihe River Basin

Input output table of 11 districts and counties in Heihe River Basin in 2012


Water use data of counties of Heihe River Basin (2012)

Data source: survey data of Heihe River Basin Authority; Data introduction: in 2010, Sunan County, Ganzhou District, Minle County, Linze County, Gaotai County, Shandan County, Jinta County, Ejina, Suzhou District and Jiayuguan used water for living, industry, agriculture, urban and rural ecology.


Distribution data of geomorphic surface in the upper reaches of Heihe River

The landform near Qilian in the upper reaches of Heihe River includes the first level denudation surface (wide valley surface) and the Ninth level river terrace. The stage surface distribution data is mainly obtained through field investigation. GPS survey is carried out for the distribution range of all levels of geomorphic surface. The field data is analyzed in the room, and then combined with remote sensing image, topographic map, geological map and other data, the distribution map of all levels of geomorphic surface in the upper reaches of Heihe river is drawn. The age of the denudation surface is about 1.4ma, and the formation of Heihe terrace is later than this age, all of which are terraces since late Pleistocene.


1:250000 DEM map of the middle reaches of Heihe River (2005-2007)

DEM (digital elevation model) is the abbreviation of digital elevation model, which is an important original data for watershed terrain and feature recognition. The principle of DEM is to divide the watershed into M rows and N columns of quadrilateral (cell), calculate the average elevation of each quadrilateral, and then store the elevation in a two-dimensional matrix. Because DEM data can reflect the local terrain features of a certain resolution, a large amount of surface morphology information can be extracted by DEM, which includes the slope, slope direction and the relationship between cells of watershed grid unit [7]. At the same time, the surface water flow path, river network and watershed boundary can be determined by certain algorithm. Therefore, to extract basin features from DEM, a good basin structure model is the premise and key of the design algorithm.


Landuse/landcover dataset in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin (2011)

The land use / land cover data set of Heihe River Basin in 2011 is the Remote Sensing Research Office of Institute of cold and drought of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Based on the remote sensing data of landsatm and ETM in 2011, combined with field investigation and verification, a 1:100000 land use / land cover image and vector database of Heihe River Basin is established. The data set mainly includes 1:100000 land use graph data and attribute data in the middle reaches of Heihe River Basin. The land cover data of 1:100000 (2011) in Heihe River Basin and the previous land cover are classified into six first-class categories (cultivated land, forest land, grassland, water area, urban and rural residents, industrial and mining land and unused land) and 25 second-class categories by the same hierarchical land cover classification system. The data type is vector polygon and stored in shape format. Land cover classification attributes: Level 1 type level 2 type attribute code spatial distribution location Cultivated land: plain dry land 123 is mainly distributed in basin, piedmont, river alluvial, proluvial or lacustrine plain (poor irrigation conditions due to water shortage). The upland and land 122 is mainly distributed in the hilly area, and generally, the plot is distributed on the gentle slope of the hill, as well as on the top of the ridge and the base. The dry land 121 is mainly distributed in the mountainous area, the hillside (gentle slope, hillside, steep slope platform, etc.) and the Piedmont belt below 4000 m above sea level. Woodland: there are woodland (Arbor) 21 mainly distributed in high mountains (below 4000 meters above sea level) or middle mountain slopes, valley slopes, mountain tops, plains, etc. Shrub land 22 is mainly distributed in the higher mountain area (below 4500m), most of which are hillside, valley and sandy land. Sparse forest land 23 is mainly distributed in mountainous areas, hills, plains and sandy land, Gobi (Loamy, sandy conglomerate) edge. Other forest lands 24 are mainly distributed around the oasis ridge, riverside, roadside and rural residential areas. Grassland: high cover grassland 31 is generally distributed in mountainous area (gentle slope), hilly area (steep slope), river beach, Gobi, sandy land, etc. The middle cover grassland 32 is mainly distributed in dry areas (low-lying land next door and land between Sandy Hills, etc.). Low cover grassland 33 mainly grows in dry areas (loess hills and sand edge). Water area: channel 41 is mainly distributed in plain, inter Sichuan cultivated land and inter mountain valley. Lake 42 is mainly distributed in low-lying areas. Reservoir pond 43 is mainly distributed in plain and valley between rivers, surrounded by residential land and cultivated land. Glaciers and permanent snow cover 44 are mainly distributed on the top of (over 4000) mountains. The beach land 46 is mainly distributed in the valley, piedmont, plain lowland, the edge of river lake basin and so on. Residential land: urban land 51 is mainly distributed in plain, mountain basin, slope and gully platform. Rural residential land 52 is mainly distributed in oasis, cultivated land and roadside, tableland, slope, etc. Industrial and mining land and traffic land 53 are generally distributed in the periphery of cities and towns, more developed traffic areas and industrial mining areas. Unused land: sand 61 is mostly distributed in the basin, both sides of the river, the river bay and the periphery of the mountain front Gobi. Gobi 62 is mainly distributed in the Piedmont belt with strong wind erosion and sediment transport. Salt alkali 63 is mainly distributed in relatively low and easy to accumulate water, dry lakes and lakeside. Swamp 64 is mainly distributed in relatively low and easy to accumulate water. Bare soil 65 is mainly distributed in the arid areas (mountain steep slopes, hills, Gobi), and the vegetation coverage is less than 5%. Bare rock 66 is mainly distributed in the extremely dry stone mountain area (windy, light rain). The other 67 are mainly distributed in the exposed rocks formed by freezing and thawing over 4000 meters, also known as alpine tundra. Projection parameters: Projection ALBERS Units METERS Spheroid Krasovsky Parameters: 25 00 0.000 /* 1st standard parallel 47 00 0.000 /* 2nd standard parallel 105 00 0.000 /* central meridian 0 0 0.000 /* latitude of projection's origin 0.00000 /* false easting (meters) 0.00000 /* false northing (meters)
