Current Browsing: soil moisture

WATER: Dataset of the automatic meteorological observations at the Linze inland river basin comprehensive research station (2008-2009)

This data set includes the observation data of the automatic meteorological station from January 2008 to September 2009 in Linze Inland River Basin Comprehensive station. The station is located in Linze County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, with longitude and latitude of 100 ° 08 ′ e, 39 ° 21 ′ N and altitude of 1382m. The observation items include: atmospheric temperature and humidity gradient observation (1.5m and 3.0m), wind speed (2.2m and 3.7m), wind direction, air pressure, precipitation, net radiation and total radiation, carbon dioxide (2.8m and 3.5m), soil tension, multi-layer soil temperature (20cm, 40cm, 60cm, 80cm, 120cm and 160cm) and soil heat flux (5cm, 10cm and 15cm). Please refer to the instruction document published with the data for specific header and other information.


Multi-scale surface flux and meteorological elements observation dataset in the Hai River Basin (Miyun site-automatic weather station) (2008-2010)

The data set contains observations from the automatic weather station as at 1 solstice, January 2008, on 29 December 2010.The site is located in xinchengzi town, miyun county, Beijing, with orchards (plums and apple trees), corn/bare land, and towns.The latitude and longitude of the observation point is 117.3233E, 40.6308N, and the altitude is 350m. The acquisition frequency of the automatic weather station is 10s, and the output of 10min is once.The observation factors include air temperature and relative humidity (30.56m, 10.66m), and the direction is due to the north.Wind speed (30.56m, 10.66m), wind direction (30.56m), heading due north;Air pressure (installed in waterproof box);Rainfall (31.46m);The four-component radiation (30.76m) is oriented due to the south.Infrared surface temperature (30.76m), the arm is facing south, the probe is facing vertically downward;The soil temperature and humidity probe was buried 2m south of the meteorological tower. The buried depth of the soil temperature probe was 0cm, 5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 60cm, 80cm and 100cm. The buried depth of the soil water sensor was 2cm, 5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 60cm and 100cm.Two hot plates (2) are buried 2cm underground, one in the ground where the sun can penetrate the fruit trees, and the other in the shadow of the fruit trees.Processing and quality control of observation data :(1) ensure 144 data per day (every 10min). If data is missing, it will be marked by -6999;(2) eliminate the moments with duplicate records;(3) data that is obviously beyond the physical meaning or the range of the instrument is deleted;(4) the format of date and time is unified, and the date and time are in the same column.For example, the time is: June 10, 2010 at 10:30. Data released by the automatic weather station include:Date/Time for the Date/Time, and the air temperature humidity observation (Ta_10. 66 m, RH_10. 66 m, Ta_30. 56 m, RH_30. 56 m) (℃, %), wind speed (Ws_10. 66 m, Ws_30. 56 m) (m/s), wind (WD) (°), pressure (Press) (hpa), precipitation (Rain) (mm), four component radiation (DR, UR, DLR, ULR, Rn) (W/m2), the surface radiation temperature (IRT_1, IRT_2) (℃),Soil heat flux (Gs_1, Gs_2) (W/m2), multi-layer soil moisture (Ms_2cm, Ms_5cm, Ms_10cm, Ms_20cm, Ms_40cm, Ms_60cm, Ms_100cm) (%) and multi-layer soil temperature (Ts_0cm, Ts_5cm, Ts_10cm, Ts_20cm, Ts_40cm, Ts_60cm, Ts_80cm, Ts_100cm) (℃). Please refer to Jia et al,(2012) for information of observation test or site, and Liu et al,(2013) for data processing.


Ecological security evaluation and landscape planning data of the inner flow area of Hexi Corridor (1949-2002)

The project of ecological security evaluation and landscape planning in the inner flow area of hexi corridor belongs to the major research plan of "environment and ecological science in western China" of the national natural science foundation, led by researcher xiao duning of the institute of cold and dry environment and engineering, Chinese academy of sciences. The project runs from Jan. 2002 to Dec. 2004. The data of the project is the ecological data of the inner flow area of hexi corridor, including heihe basin, shiyang river basin, shule river basin and river runoff. Investigation and analysis data of ejin banner in heihe river area 1. Soil moisture TDR data The data is stored in Excel format and includes both tubular and well 2002 soil moisture survey data. Tube TDR data Tubular soil moisture survey data with 1.8m underground intervals of 0.2 m on June 1, June 11, June 21, July 1, July 11, July 21, July 31, August 11 and August 21, 2002, including erdaqiao, gobi, forest farm, qidaqiao and tseng forest. Well TDR data Data of well soil moisture survey on June 21, July 1, July 11, July 21, July 31, August 11 and August 21, 2002, which included willows, gobi, populus euphratica and weeds, with intervals of more than 5 meters and 0.2 meters underground. Groundwater GPS data In Excel format, the TDR observation points were measured by GPS, including basic information such as longitude, latitude and elevation, plus information such as water level, logging type and remarks. 2. Soil nutrient salinity data To Excel format, 42 samples containing "total oxygen N %", "total phosphorus P %", "% organic matter", "hydrolysis N N mg/kg", "organic P P mg/kg", "available K K mg/kg", "% calcium carbonate", "PH", "the % of salt" and "total potassium % K" nutrient investigation and analysis of data, such as 42 samples containing "conductance value (%) computing the salt", CO3, HCO3, CI, SO4, Ca, mg, Na + K salt investigation and analysis of data, etc. 3. Soil mechanical composition In Excel format, 42 sample points contained soil particle composition information analysis tables of depth (cm), percentage of particle content at each level (sieve analysis method) (>2mm, 2-1mm, 1-0.5mm, 0.5-0.25mm and 0.25-0.1mm) and percentage of particle content at each level (straw method) (<0.1mm, 0.1-0.05mm, 0.05-0.02mm, 0.02-0.002mm and <0.002mm). 4. Meteorological data of erqi station Is the Excel sheet, including rainfall data from 1957 to 1998, evaporation data from 1957 to 1998, temperature data from 1957 to 1991, wind speed data from 1972 to 1992, maximum temperature data from 1972 to 1992, minimum temperature data from 1972 to 1992, sunshine data from 1972 to 1992 and relative humidity data from 1972 to 1992. Scan copy of jiuquan area The scanning copy of the general map of land use status in jiuquan 1:300,000, the scanning copy of the evaluation map of the distribution of cultivated land reserve resources in jiuquan 1:300,000 and the scanning copy of the district map of jiuquan 1:300,000 Zhang ye water protection information It contains the statistics of water and soil conservation in the regions of ganzhou district, gaotai district, linze county, minle county, shandan county, sunan county and zhangye city in zhangye region (stored in Excel format) and the planning report of each region (stored in Word format). Shiyang river basin Jinchang water resources survey data It includes the scan of 1:50000 water resource distribution map of jinchang city in 1997, the average decline degree of groundwater level in qinghe and jinchuan irrigation areas in jinchang city from 81 to 2000, the statistical table of annual groundwater supply in 1986, 1995 and 2001, and the survey and evaluation report of cultivated land reserve resources in jinchang city. Survey data of water resources in minqin Includes detailed minqin county area typical Wells status per acre crops irrigation water use questionnaire, irrigation, industrial and agricultural water use questionnaire, seeded area of villages and towns questionnaire, the survey data of groundwater hardness index, minqin county of surface runoff and the runoff change situation report, irrigation water quota formulation of evaluation report, minqin county water resources development and utilization of report and opinion polls irrigation works report, etc. Zoning map of soil improvement and utilization in wuwei area For the scanning part of water and soil conservation planning map of wuwei city, the scanning part of the location map of wuwei irrigation area, the scanning part of the scanning part of the administrative map of wuwei city, the scanning part of the water source and water conservancy project construction map of wuwei city, the scanning part of the planning map of wuwei sanbei phase ii shelterbelt project and the scanning part of the administrative map of liangzhou district. Yongchang county water protection information It is the scanning copy of the soil and water conservation supervision, prevention and control plan of 1994 in yongchang county at 1:20000. Shule river basin Distribution map of water resources development and utilization in yumen city It consists of four jpeg images, a 1:250,000 general scanning map of yumen's water resources development and utilization in 2002, and three high-resolution sub-maps. River runoff This data set is stored in Excel format, mainly including the total flow of three basins from 1949 to 2002, the annual runoff of each tributary of the basin, the annual runoff of detailed investigation areas such as jiuquan and the upstream inflow of yuanyang pond reservoir. Total basin Is the annual runoff data of heihe river basin, shiyang river basin and shule river basin from 1949 to 2002. Annual runoff of black river Is the annual runoff data of heihe river, liyuan river, taolai river, hongshui river, qingshui river, fengle river and hongsha river from 1949 to 2002. Annual runoff of shiyang river Is the annual runoff data of xidahe river, dongdahe river, xiying river, jinta river, zama river, huangyang river, gulang river, dajing river and other tributaries from 1949 to 2002. Annual runoff of shule river Is the annual runoff data of dang river, shule river and harten river from 1950 to 2002. Annual river runoff in jiuquan area For the annual flow data of changma gorge of shule river, dangcheng bay of danghe river, junmiao of shule river, baiyang river, icegou of toulai river, yuanyang pond of toulai river, xindi of hongshui river, fengle river, hongsha river of maying river and suang river of yulin river in jiuquan region from 1950 to 2002. Statistics of upstream inflow of yuanyang pond reservoir The data are the upstream inflow data of yuanyang pond reservoir from 1959 to 2001.


Soil moisture data set of desert riparian forest in the lower reaches of Heihe River (2010-2012)

Soil water content is the key factor affecting the transpiration water consumption of plants in desert riparian forest. In this project, the typical plant communities in the lower reaches of Heihe River are selected, with coordinates of 42 ° 02 ′ 00.07 ″ N and 101 ° 02 ′ 59.41 ″ E. through continuous measurement of soil water data in 2010-2012, the observation instrument is environscan (Australia, ICT), with observation depth of 10, 30, 50, 80 and 140cm, and observation frequency of 0.5h Understanding the mechanism of environmental regulation of transpiration water consumption of desert riparian forest in the lower reaches of Heihe River provides basic data support.


The response of grassland productivity to soil moisture under grazing disturbance in Heihe Basin

The data include different observation data of Sunan, Gansu Province: 1) The soil properties of grassland under different management measures, soil compactness, water permeability and soil moisture content of 4-5 grazing intensity grassland; 2) The observation data of soil compactness, permeability and water content of different grazing management measures; 3) Correlation analysis data of grassland community characteristic productivity and soil moisture; 4) Correlation analysis data of height, coverage, biomass, flower shape, tiller and leaf characters of main plants with soil water content;


HiWATER: Dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with airborne PLMR mission in the Yingke oasis and Huazhaizi desert steppe on June 28-29, 2012

The first dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with airborne Polarimetric L-band Multibeam Radiometer (PLMR) mission was obtained in the Yingke oasis and Huazhaizi desert steppe on 28-29 June, 7, 10, 26 July, 2 August, 2012 (UTC+8). The dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with airborne Polarimetric L-band Multibeam Radiometer (PLMR) mission was obtained in the Linze Inland River Basin Comprehensive Research Station on 3 July, 2012. PLMR is a dual-polarization (H/V) airborne microwave radiometer with a frequency of 1.413 GHz, which can provide multi-angular observations with 6 beams at ±7º, ±21.5º and ±38.5º. The PLMR spatial resolution (beam spot size) is approximately 0.3 times the altitude, and the swath width is about twice the altitude. The measurements were conducted in the southwest part of the Zhangye Oasis, which included two sampling plots. One was located in Gobi desert with an area of 1 km × 1 km. Due to its homogeneous landscape, around 10 points were sampled to acquire the situation of soil water content. The other sampling plot was designed in farmlands with a dominant plant type of maize. Ground measurements took place along 16 transects, which were arranged parallelly with an interval of 160 m between each other in the east-west direction. In each 2.4 km long transect, soil moisture was sampled at every 80 m in the north-south direction. Steven Hydro probes were used to collect soil moisture and other measurements. For each sampling point in farmland, two measurements were acquired within an area of 1 m2, with one for the soil covered by plastic film (point name was tagged as LXPXXA) and the other for exposed soil (point name was tagged as LXPXXB). The field campaign started from 11:00 AM, but stopped at 4:00 PM on 28 June because of rain. The rest of measurements were completed from 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM on 29 June. Concurrently with soil moisture sampling, vegetation properties were measured at around 10 locations within the farmland sampling plot. Observation items included: Soil parameters: volumetric soil moisture (inherently converted from measured soil dielectric constant), soil temperature, soil dielectric constant, soil electric conductivity. Vegetation parameters: biomass, vegetation water content, canopy height. Data and data format: This dataset includes two parts of measurements, i.e. soil and vegetation parameters. The former is as shapefile, with measured items stored in its attribute table. The measured vegetation parameters are recorded in an Excel file.


HiWATER: BNUNET soil moisture and LST observation dataset in the midstream of the Heihe River Basin (2012)

This dataset includes soil moisture and soil temperature observations of 75 BNUNET nodes during the period from May to September 2012 (UTC+8), which is one type of WSN nodes in the Heihe eco-hydrological wireless sensor network (WSN). The BNUNET located in the observation matrix of the HiWATER artificial oasis eco-hydrology experimental area. Each BNUNET node observes the soil temperature at 4 cm, 10 cm and 20 cm depth, and soil moisture at 4 cm depth with 10 minutes interval. This dataset can be used in the estimation of surface hydrothermal variables and their validation, eco-hydrological research, irrigation management and so on. The detail description please refers to "Data introduction.docx".


WATER: Dataset of soil moisture observations in the Linze station foci experimental area from May to Jun, 2008

The dataset of soil moisture observations was obtained by the cutting ring (50cm^3) and ML2X Soil Moisture Tachometer in the Linze station foci experimental area. Surface soil (0-5cm) was measured 2-3 times in 40 subplots of the west-east desert strip on May 24, 25, 28, Jun. 27 and Jul. 11, 2008, 2-4 times in 9 subplots of north-south strip on May 24, 25, 28, Jun. 27 and Jul. 11, 17 times from P1 to P6 strips on Jul. 4 and 8, nine times along LY06 strip on Jun. 6, 15, 29 and Jul. 11, LY07 strip on May 30, Jun. 6, 10, 15, 29 and Jul. 11 and LY08 strip on May 30, Jun. 6 and 10, and once by the cutting ring and three times by ML2X Soil Moisture Tachometer in Wulidun farmland quadrates on May 24, 25, 28, Jun. 29 and Jul. 11. Data were archived as Excel files. See the metadata record “WATER: Dataset of setting of the sampling plots and stripes in the Linze station foci experimental area” for more information of the quadrate locations.


HiWATER: Dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with airborne PLMR mission in the Yingke oasis and Huazhaizi desert steppe on July 10, 2012

On July 10, 2012, the airborne flight and ground observation was synchronously carried out in the PLMR quadrat of Yingke Oasis and the Huazhaizi Desert. PLMR (Polarimetric L-band Multibeam Radiometer) is a dual-polarized (H/V) L-band microwave radiometer with a center frequency of 1.413 GHz, a bandwidth of 24 MHz, and a resolution of 1 km (relative flight height of 3 km).The radiometer has 6 beams to observe synchronously, and the incident angles are ±7º,±21.5º,±38.5º, and the sensitivity is less than 1K. The flight observation mainly covers the artificial oasis eco-hydrological test area in the middle reaches. This ground-synchronized data set provides a basic ground dataset for developing and validating passive microwave remote sensing inversion soil moisture algorithms. Quadrat and sampling strategy: The observation area is located in the transition zone between the southern margin of Zhangye Oasis and Anyang beach desert, the west side of Zhang (Zhangye)-Da (Daman) highway. It is divided into two parts by the main canal of the Dragon Canal from North to South. The Southwest area is a desert quadrat with the size of 1 km×1 km. The desert is relatively homogeneous, so soil moisture of 5 points in the 1 km quadrat are collected (1 point of each corner and the center point, in the actual measurement process, several extra points can be measured along the road). The four corner points are 600 meters away from each other,except the diagonal direction. And the southwest corner point is Huazhaizi Desert Station, for the convenience of comparison with weather station data. On the northeast side, a large size quadrat of 6 km×1.6 km is selected for simultaneous observation of the oasis underlying surface.In order to obtain the brightness temperature comparison with the PLMR observation, the quadrat was chose based on the following factors :surface coverage representative, avoiding the residential and greenhouses, crossing the oasis farmland and part of the Southern desert, accessibility, and observation time(road consumption). Taking the resolution of PLMR observations into consideration, in the synchronous observation, 11 sampling lines (East-West distribution) were collected with an interval of 160 meters from the East to the West. Each line from the North to the South was separated by 21 points with an interval of 80 meters. And 4 Hydraprobe Data Acquisition System (HDAS, Reference 2) were used to measure simultaneously. Measurement contents: About 230 points of the quadrat were collected, 2 observations were performed on each point, that is, 2 observations were performed on each sampling point of the film mulched corn field, 1 inside the film (marked as a in the data record), 1 outside the film (marked as b in the data record). Since the HDAS system useed the POGO portable soil sensor, the soil temperature, soil moisture (volumetric water content), loss tangent, soil electrical conductivity, soil complex dielectric real part and imaginary part were obtained by observation. No special simultaneous sampling of vegetation was carried out on the same day. Data: The data set includes two parts: soil moisture observation and vegetation observation. The former saves the data as a vector file, the spatial position is the position of each sampling point (WGS84+UTM 47N), and the measurement information of soil moisture is recorded in the attribute file.


HiWATER: The multi-scale observation experiment on evapotranspiration over heterogeneous land surfaces 2012 (MUSOEXE-12)-dataset of flux observation matrix (cosmic-ray soil moisture)

This dataset includes the observational data that were collected by two sets of Cosmic-ray Soil Moisture Observation System (COSMOS), named crs_a and crs_b, which were installed near the Daman Superstation in the flux observation matrix from 1 June through 20 September 2012. The land cover in the footprint was maize crop, and the site was located with the cropland of the Daman Irrigation District, Zhangye, Gansu Province. Crs_a was located at 100.36975° E, 38.85385° N and 1557.16 m above sea level; Crs_b was located at 100.37225° E, 38.85557° N and 1557.16 m above sea level. The bottom of the probe was 0.5 m above the ground; the sampling interval was 1 hour. The raw COSMOS data include the following: battery (Batt, V), temperature (T, ℃), relative humidity (RH, %), air pressure (P, hPa), fast neutron counts (N1C, counts per hour), thermal neutron counts (N2C, counts per hour), sample time of fast neutrons (N1ET, s), and sample time of thermal neutrons (N2ET, s). The distributed data include the following variables: Date, Time, P, N1C, N1C_cor (corrected fast neutron counts) and VWC (volume soil moisture, %), which were processed as follows: 1) Quality control Data were removed and replaced by -6999 when (a) the battery voltage was less than 11.8 V, (b) the relative humidity was greater than 80% inside the probe box, (c) the counting data were not of one-hour duration and (d) then neutron count differed from the previous value by more than 20%. 2) Air pressure correction An air pressure correction was applied to the quality-controlled raw data according to the equation contained in the equipment manual. The procedure was previously described by Jiao et al. (2013) and Zreda et al. (2012). 3) Calibration After the quality control and corrections were applied, soil moisture was calculated using the equation in Desilets et al. (2010), where N0 is the neutron counts above dry soil and the other variables are fitted constants that define the shape of the calibration function. Here, the parameter N0 must be calibrated using the in situ observed soil moisture within the footprint. This procedure was previously described by Jiao et al. (2013) and Zreda et al. (2012) 4) Computing the soil moisture Based on the calibrated N0 and corrected N1C, the hourly soil moisture was computed using the equation from the equipment manual. This procedure was previously described by Jiao et al, (2013) and Zreda et al. (2012) For more information, please refer to Liu et al. (2016) (for multi-scale observation experiment or sites information), Zhu et al. (2015) (for data processing) in the Citation section.
