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Yulong snow mountain glacier No.1, 4 506 m altitude the daily average meteorological observation dataset (2014-2018)

1. Data content: air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, air pressure, wind speed, average total radiation, total net radiation value and daily average water vapor pressure data. 2. Data source and processing method: Observed by American campel high-altitude automatic weather station, air temperature and humidity sensor model HMP155A; wind speed and wind direction model: 05103-45; net radiometer: CNR 4 Net Radiometer four component; atmospheric pressure sensor: CS106; Rain gauge: TE525MM. The automatic weather station automatically collects data every 10 minutes, and collects daily statistical data to obtain daily average weather data. 3. Data quality description: Data is automatically acquired continuously. 4. Data application results and prospects: The weather station is located in the middle of the glacier, and the meteorological data can provide data guarantee for simulating the response of oceanic glacier changes to global climate change in the context of future climate change.
