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WATER: Dataset of the automatic meteorological observations at the Pailugou grassland station in the Dayekou watershed (2008-2009)

The dataset of the automatic meteorological observations (2008-2009) was obtained at the Pailugou grassland station (E100°17'/N38°34', 2731m) in the Dayekou watershed, Zhangye city, Gansu province. The items included multilayer (1.5m and 3m) of the air temperature and air humidity, the wind speed (2.2m and 3.7m) and direction, the air pressure, precipitation, the global radiation, the net radiation, co2 (2.8m and 3.5m), the multilayer soil temperature (10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 60cm, 120cm and 160cm), soil moisture (10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 60cm, 120cm and 160cm), and soil heat flux (5cm, 10cm and 15cm). For more details, please refer to Readme file.


Groundwater level dataset in the middle and lower of Heihe River Basin (2013-2015)

Through e-Sense / diver hydrological monitoring equipment and dynamic remote monitoring system, the hydrological monitoring data of key stations in Heihe River Basin in the three years from 2013 to 2015 in non freezing period are obtained, mainly including the temperature and water level of three groundwater (Qilian station, Linze station, Ejina station) and six river surface water (Yingluoxia station, Gaoya station, Zhengyixia station, shaomaying station, langxinshan station, Juyanhai station) According to the data, the time resolution is 1H.


Meteorological data of the integrated observation and research station of Ngari for desert environment (2009-2017)

The data set includes meteorological data from the Ngari Desert Observation and Research Station from 2009 to 2017. It includes the following basic meteorological parameters: temperature (1.5 m from the ground, once every half hour, unit: Celsius), relative humidity (1.5 m from the ground, once every half hour, unit: %), wind speed (1.5 m from the ground, once every half hour, unit: m/s), wind direction (1.5 m from the ground, once every half hour, unit: degrees), atmospheric pressure (1.5 m from the ground, once every half hour, unit: hPa), precipitation (once every 24 hours, unit: mm), water vapour pressure (unit: kPa), evaporation (unit: mm), downward shortwave radiation (unit: W/m2), upward shortwave radiation (unit: W/m2), downward longwave radiation (unit: W/m2), upward longwave radiation (unit: W/m2), net radiation (unit: W/m2), surface albedo (unit: %). The temporal resolution of the data is one day. The data were directly downloaded from the Ngari automatic weather station. The precipitation data represent daily precipitation measured by the automatic rain and snow gauge and corrected based on manual observations. The other observation data are the daily mean value of the measurements taken every half hour. Instrument models of different observations: temperature and humidity: HMP45C air temperature and humidity probe; precipitation: T200-B rain and snow gauge sensor; wind speed and direction: Vaisala 05013 wind speed and direction sensor; net radiation: Kipp Zonen NR01 net radiation sensor; atmospheric pressure: Vaisala PTB210 atmospheric pressure sensor; collector model: CR 1000; acquisition interval: 30 minutes. The data table is processed and quality controlled by a particular person based on observation records. Observations and data acquisition are carried out in strict accordance with the instrument operating specifications, and some data with obvious errors are removed when processing the data table.


Dataset of automatic meteorological observations at the Sub-Basin in Qilian Mountain (2011-2012)

The data set contains observation data from the Tianlaochi small watershed automatic weather station. The latitude and longitude of the station are 38.43N, 99.93E, and the altitude is 3100m. Observed items are time, average wind speed (m/s), maximum wind speed (m/s), 40-60cm soil moisture, 0-20 soil moisture, 20-40 soil moisture, air pressure, PAR, air temperature, relative humidity, and dew point temperature , Solar radiation, total precipitation, 20-40 soil temperature, 0-20 soil temperature, 40-60 soil temperature. The observation period is from May 25, 2011 to September 11, 2012, and all parameter data are compiled on a daily scale.


Eddy covariance data in Hulugou sub-basin of alpine Heihe River (2012)

1. Data overview: This data set is eddy covariance Flux data of qilian station from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. 2. Data content: The observation items are: horizontal wind speed Ux (m/s), horizontal wind speed Uy (m/s), vertical wind speed Uz (m/s), ultrasonic temperature Ts (Celsius), co2 concentration co2 (mg/m^3), water vapor concentration h2o (g/m^3), pressure press (KPa), etc.The data is 30min Flux data. 3. Space and time range: Geographical coordinates: longitude: 99° 52’e;Latitude: 38°15 'N;Height: 3232.3 m


The meteorological data in Tianlaochi Catchment in Qilian Mountain (2013)

Location of automatic weather station: longitude and latitude 38.43n, 99.93e, altitude 3100m. The observation time is from May 9, 2013 to September 3, 2013, the parameter scale is hourly scale, and the data is recorded in 10min. The observation parameters include average wind speed (M / s), maximum wind speed (M / s), 40-60cm soil moisture, 0-20 soil moisture, 20-40 soil moisture, air pressure, par, air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, total precipitation, 20-40 soil temperature, 0-20 soil temperature, 40-60 soil temperature.


Integrated environment observation data of base camp in Hulugou sub-basin of Heihe River Basin (2013)

1. Data overview The data set of the base camp integrated environmental observation system is a set of ENVIS (IMKO, Germany) which was installed at the base camp observation point by qilian station.It is stored automatically by ENVIS data mining system. 2. Data content This data set is the daily scale data from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013.Including air temperature 1.5m, humidity 1.5m, air temperature 2.5m, humidity 2.5m, soil moisture 0cm, precipitation, wind speed 1.5m, wind speed 2.5m, wind direction 1.5m, geothermal flux 5cm, total radiation, surface temperature, ground temperature 20cm, ground temperature 40cm, ground temperature 60cm, ground temperature 80cm, ground temperature 120cm, ground temperature 160cm, CO2, air pressure. 3. Space and time scope Geographical coordinates: longitude: 99° 53’e;Latitude: 38°16 'N;Height: 2980.2 m


Integrated environment observation data of base camp in Hulugou sub-basin of Heihe River Basin (2012)

1. Data overview The data set of the base camp integrated environmental observation system is a set of ENVIS (IMKO, Germany) which was installed at the base camp observation point by qilian station.It is stored automatically by ENVIS data mining system. 2. Data content This data set is the scale data from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012.Including air temperature 1.5m, humidity 1.5m, air temperature 2.5m, humidity 2.5m, soil moisture 0cm, precipitation, wind speed 1.5m, wind speed 2.5m, wind direction 1.5m, geothermal flux 5cm, total radiation, surface temperature, ground temperature 20cm, ground temperature 40cm, ground temperature 60cm, ground temperature 80cm, ground temperature 120cm, ground temperature 160cm, CO2, air pressure. 3. Space and time scope Geographical coordinates: longitude: 99° 53’e;Latitude: 38°16 'N;Height: 2980.2 m.


Integrated environment observation data of base camp in Hulugou sub-basin of Heihe River Basin (2011)

1. Data overview The data set of the base camp integrated environmental observation system is a set of ENVIS (IMKO, Germany) which was installed at the base camp observation point by qilian station.It is stored automatically by ENVIS data mining system. 2. Data content This data set is the scale data from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011.It mainly includes two layers of temperature, humidity and wind, six layers of soil water content, precipitation, 5cm geothermal flux, total radiation, seven layers of soil temperature, CO2 and air pressure. 3. Space and time scope Geographical coordinates: longitude: 99° 53’e;Latitude: 38°16 'N;Height: 2980.2 m


WATER: Dataset of observations at the regional meteorological stations of Zhangye (2008-2009)

This data set contains the meteorological data of 45 regional stations in Zhangye area of Gansu Province from 2008 to 2009. There are two factors (air temperature and rainfall): Dongdashan forest farm and Anyang in Ganzhou district; Horseshoe temple in Sunan County; Longqu in Zhangye; Junma farm in Shandan; Mawei Lake in Gaotai; Banqiao in Linze. The observation of the three elements (wind direction, air temperature and rainfall) are: the Imperial City, the big river and recreation in Sunan County. The observation of the four elements (wind direction, wind speed, air temperature and rainfall) are: Tiancheng, Baba, luotuocheng, Xinba and Nanhua in Gaotai County; Pingchuan, Xinhua, nijiaying and yinggezui in Linze County; Jing'an, hongshawo forest farm, pingpingpingbao, Daman, alkali beach and shigangdun in Ganzhou district; Gushanzi, Longshoushan forest farm, Laojun, Liqiao, dongle, Junma first farm in Shandan County Liudun and junmachang in Qilian Mountain; Liuba, Sanbao, zhaizhaizhaizi, shuangshusi, haichaoba and dadonggan in Minle County; Xishui in Sunan County. The observation of the five factors (relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed, air temperature and rainfall) are: Yanzhishan forest farm in Shandan County; Minghua in Sunan County. The observation of the five factors (air pressure, wind direction, wind speed, air temperature and rainfall) are: Yanzhishan forest farm in Shandan County; Minghua in Sunan County. The six elements of observation (air pressure, humidity, wind direction, wind speed, air temperature and rainfall) are as follows: East top of dacha, dacha and crescent platform in Sunan County. The data recording unit shall comply with the ground meteorological observation specifications, and the data storage shall be expressed as an integer, as follows: ten times record of temperature expansion; ten times record of precipitation expansion; ten times record of wind speed expansion. The data format is ASCII text file.
