Current Browsing: Hydraulic engineering

The retrofit scheme of the irrigating gates and the design flow of each channel (2003)

This data includes the general layout of the reconstruction project of the middle reaches of the Heihe River, and describes in detail the water diversion flow, irrigation area and other data of each diversion outlet in the middle reaches of the Heihe River. It is attached with the statistical table of the current situation of the diversion portal (listing the diversion form, bank type, irrigation area name, irrigation area name and diversion flow of all diversion portal), the statistical table of the relative distance of the reconstructed diversion portal in the middle reaches (including the relative distance between the reconstructed diversion portal and Zhengyi gorge, bank type and the distance from the previous one), and the general layout plan of the combined reconstruction of the diversion portal (including the combined one Water diversion type, bank type, irrigation area name, irrigation area and water diversion flow) There is no vector format for the data, we only collect JPG format, with a diversion channel table.
