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Geochemical data set of typical rare earth deposits in China (2017-2021)

The data set mainly includes typical rare earth deposits in China, such as Maoniuping and Lizhuang rare earth deposits in Mianning, Western Sichuan, and Gansha OBO rare earth deposits in Gansu Province. These rare earth deposits are genetically related to carbonate alkaline rock complex. In situ U-Pb dating, whole rock major and trace elements, Sr nd Pb radioisotopes, C-O-B-Ca stable isotopes and mineral in situ major and trace elements contents of rocks or ores in these complexes were analyzed. The major elements were measured by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF), the trace elements were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and the isotopes were mainly measured by mc-icp-ms. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) it is revealed that the magma source area of alkaline carbonate type REE deposit experienced the addition of strong subduction material, and its formation depth may be deeper than previously thought(2) It is revealed that the aegirization may be related to carbonatite and alkaline magmatism, and there may be differences in the aegirization between the two types of magma(3) The later reformation of the rare earth deposits with younger age may be relatively weak, while the rare earth deposits with older age are easy to be influenced by the later geological process and difficult to distinguish.
