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WATER: Dataset of eddy covariance observations at the Yingke oasis station

The dataset of eddy covariance observations was obtained at the Yingke Oasis station from 27 Dec. 2007 to 31 Dec. 2009. The observation site is located in an irrigation farmland in Yingke (E100°24′37.2″/N38°51′25.7″, 1519.1m), Zhangye city, Gansu province. The experimental area, situated in the middle stream Heihe river basin and with windbreaks space of 500m from east to west and 300m from south to north, is an ideal choice for its flat and open terrain. The original observation items included the latitudinal wind speed Ux (m/s), the latitudinal wind speed Uy (m/s), the longitudinal wind speed Uz (m/s), the ultrasonic temperature Ts (°C), co2 consistency (mg/m^3), h2o consistency (g/m^3), air pressure (KPa) and the abnormal ultrasonic signal (diag_csat). The instrument mount was 2.81m, the ultrasound direction was at an azimuth angle of 0°, the distance between Li7500 and CSAT3 was 30cm and the sampling frequency was 10HZ/s. The dataset was distributed at three levels: Level0 were the raw data acquired by instruments; Level1, including the sensible heat flux (Hs), the latent heat flux (LE_wpl), and co2 flux (Fc_wpl), were real-time eddy covariance output data and stored in .csv month by month; Level2 were processed data in a 30-minute cycle after outliers elimination, coordinates rotation, frequency response correction, WPL correction and initial quality control. The data files were named as follows: station name +data level+data acquisition date. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide and Eddy Covariance Observation Manual.
