Current Browsing: Terrestrial Surface

HiWATER: Airborne LiDAR-DEM data production in the sample strip in the upper of Heihe River Basin on Aug. 25, 2012

On 25 August 2012, Leica ALS70 airborne laser scanner boarded on the Y-12 aircraft was utilized to obtain point cloud data. Leica ALS70 airborne laser scanner has unlimited numbers of returns intensities measurements including the first, second, third return intensities. The wavelength of laser light is 1064 nm. The absolute flight altitude is 5200 m with the point cloud density 1 point per square meter. Aerial LiDAR-DEM was obtained through parameter calibration, automatic classification of point cloud density and manual editing.


HiWATER: The multi-scale observation experiment on evapotranspiration over heterogeneous land surfaces 2012 (MUSOEXE-12)-dataset of intensive runoff observations of No.5 in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin

The No. 5 hydrological section is located at Gaoya Hydrological Station (39°08′06.35″ N,100°25′58.23″ E, 1420 m a.s.l.) in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin, Zhangye, Gansu Province. This hydrological section is for intercomparison of flow measurement between ADCP and manual method. The dataset contains observations from the No.5 hydrological section from 10 August, 2012, to 24 November, 2012. The width of this section is 58 meters. The water level was measured using HOBO pressure range and the discharge was measured using cross-section reconnaissance by the StreamPro ADCP. The dataset includes the following sections: Water level (recorded every 30 minutes) and Discharge. The data processing and quality control steps were as follows: 1) The water level data which collected from the hydrological station were averaged over intervals of 10 min for a total of 144 records per day. The missing data were denoted by -6999. 2) Data out the normal range records were rejected. 3) Unphysical data were rejected. For more information, please refer to Liu et al. (2016) (for multi-scale observation experiment or sites information), He et al. (2016) (for data processing) in the Citation section.


HiWATER: The multi-scale observation experiment on evapotranspiration over heterogeneous land surfaces 2012 (MUSOEXE-12)-dataset of flux observation matrix (cosmic-ray soil moisture)

This dataset includes the observational data that were collected by two sets of Cosmic-ray Soil Moisture Observation System (COSMOS), named crs_a and crs_b, which were installed near the Daman Superstation in the flux observation matrix from 1 June through 20 September 2012. The land cover in the footprint was maize crop, and the site was located with the cropland of the Daman Irrigation District, Zhangye, Gansu Province. Crs_a was located at 100.36975° E, 38.85385° N and 1557.16 m above sea level; Crs_b was located at 100.37225° E, 38.85557° N and 1557.16 m above sea level. The bottom of the probe was 0.5 m above the ground; the sampling interval was 1 hour. The raw COSMOS data include the following: battery (Batt, V), temperature (T, ℃), relative humidity (RH, %), air pressure (P, hPa), fast neutron counts (N1C, counts per hour), thermal neutron counts (N2C, counts per hour), sample time of fast neutrons (N1ET, s), and sample time of thermal neutrons (N2ET, s). The distributed data include the following variables: Date, Time, P, N1C, N1C_cor (corrected fast neutron counts) and VWC (volume soil moisture, %), which were processed as follows: 1) Quality control Data were removed and replaced by -6999 when (a) the battery voltage was less than 11.8 V, (b) the relative humidity was greater than 80% inside the probe box, (c) the counting data were not of one-hour duration and (d) then neutron count differed from the previous value by more than 20%. 2) Air pressure correction An air pressure correction was applied to the quality-controlled raw data according to the equation contained in the equipment manual. The procedure was previously described by Jiao et al. (2013) and Zreda et al. (2012). 3) Calibration After the quality control and corrections were applied, soil moisture was calculated using the equation in Desilets et al. (2010), where N0 is the neutron counts above dry soil and the other variables are fitted constants that define the shape of the calibration function. Here, the parameter N0 must be calibrated using the in situ observed soil moisture within the footprint. This procedure was previously described by Jiao et al. (2013) and Zreda et al. (2012) 4) Computing the soil moisture Based on the calibrated N0 and corrected N1C, the hourly soil moisture was computed using the equation from the equipment manual. This procedure was previously described by Jiao et al, (2013) and Zreda et al. (2012) For more information, please refer to Liu et al. (2016) (for multi-scale observation experiment or sites information), Zhu et al. (2015) (for data processing) in the Citation section.


HiWATER: Dataset of Soil respiration observed by Li-8100 in the lower of Heihe River Basin from Jul to Aug , 2014

Soil respiration observation was carried out for the typical vegetation ground in the lower reaches of the Heihe River Basin during the aviation flight experiment in 2014. The observation started on 23 July, 2014 and finished on 2 August, 2014. 1. Observation time Days from 23 July to 2 August, 2014 (25 July, 2014 excepted) 2. Samples and observation methods Large areas with relatively homogeneous vegetation (greater than 100 m * 100 m) were chosen as the observation samples. And combined the flux tower sites distribution of the lower reaches, five field samples closed to the sites were selected The observation sites sampled including Populus and Tamarix mixed forest, Populus, Tamarix group, bare ground and melon quadrats. 3-5 plots were observed for each samples. The PVC soil rings were installed one day before observation and kept about 5 cm out of the ground (the inner diameter of the PVC is 19.5 cm, the outer diameter is 20.0 cm, and the height is 12.0 cm). Minimal the effects to the surface of vegetation and withered matter when install the rings. In order to avoid fluctuations of the soil respiration value by the PVC rings, soil respiration rate was obtained when it returned to its original state (about 24h after the rings install). The observation time for each day was from 8:00 to 12:00 when soil respiration is relatively stable and can represent the whole day in this time. The Li-8100 Open Path soil carbon flux automatic analyzer was used (Model 8100-103) once for each plot. Cycles of observation for all plots of the five samples were completed for every morning. The soil respiration values of the samples were obtain by averaging the values of plots of the samples. 3. Observation instrument Li 8100 4. Data storage The observation recorded data were stored in excel and the original Soil respiration data were stored in 81x files.


HiWATER: Dataset of vegetation type and plant structure investigation in the middle of Heihe River Basin form Jun to Aug, 2012

The dataset contains vegetation type and plant structure in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin, which was used to validate products from remote sensing. It was generated from investigating the land cover strips of CASI and SASI the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin between 25 June and 6 August in 2012. Instruments: High-precision handheld GPS (2-3 m) and digital camera were used as main tools in the survey. Measurement method: Vegetation range in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin and survey route could be decided with the help of Google Earth. Wuxing village in Xiaoman town was selected to survey detailed and other places were investigated as far to reach as possible. Main methods were to write down the longitude and latitude, phenology of the plant structure, take photos for the vegetation. Dataset contains: longitude and latitude, vegetation type, area and phenology. Observation Place: CASI flight area in artificial oasis in the middle reaches, CASI stripe flight area in the middle reaches and Zhangye district. Date: From 25 June and 6 August in 2012.


WATER: Dataset of ground truth measurements for snow synchronizing with the airborne PHI mission in the Binggou watershed foci experimental area (Mar. 24, 2008)

The dataset of ground truth measurements for snow synchronizing with the airborne PHI mission was obtained in the Binggou watershed foci experimental area on Mar. 24, 2008. Observation items included: (1) Snow density, snow complex permittivity, snow volumetric moisture and snow gravimetric moisture by the Snowfork in BG-A. (2) Snow parameters as the snow surface temperature by the handheld infrared thermometer, the snow layer temperature by the probe thermometer, the snow grain size by the handheld microscope, and snow density by the aluminum case in BG-A1, BG-A2, BG-B, BG-D, BG-E and BG-F5 (three sampling units each) from 11:11-12:35 (BJT) with the airplane overpass. 64 points were selected by four groups. (3) Snow albedo by the total radiometer in BG-A. (4) The snow spectrum by ASD (Xinjiang Meteorological Administration) in BG-A11 Two files including raw data and preprocessed data were archived.


HiWATER: Dataset of hydrometeorological observation network (No.1 runoff observation system of 213 bridge on the Heihe River, 2013)

The No. 1 hydrological section is located at 213 Heihe River Bridge (100.345° E, 38.912° N, 1546 m) in the midstream of the Heihe River Basin, Zhangye city, Gansu Province. The dataset contains observations recorded by the No.1 hydrological section from 13 June, 2012, to 6 September, 2013. This section consists of two river sections, i.e., the east section,which is denoted as No. 1 and the west section, which is denoted as No. 2. The width of this section is 330 meters and consists of a gravel bed; the cross-sectional area is unstable because of human factors. The water level was measured using an SR50 ultrasonic range and the discharge was measured using cross-section reconnaissance by the StreamPro ADCP. The dataset includes the following parameters: water level (recorded every 30 minutes) and discharge. The missing and incorrect (outside the normal range) data were replaced with -6999. For more information, please refer to Li et al. (2013) (for hydrometeorological observation network or sites information), He et al. (2016) (for data processing) in the Citation section.


The meteorological data of Mt. Qomolangma, Namco, and Linzhi Stations on the Tibetan Plateau (2006-2008)

The data set collects the long-term monitoring data on atmosphere, hydrology and soil from the Integrated Observation and Research Station of Multisphere in Namco, the Integrated Observation and Research Station of Atmosphere and Environment in Mt. Qomolangma, and the Integrated Observation and Research Station of the Alpine Environment in Southeast Tibet. The data have three resolutions, which include 0.1 seconds, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, and 24 hours. The temperature, humidity and pressure sensors used in the field atmospheric boundary layer tower (PBL) were provided by Vaisala of Finland. The wind speed and direction sensor was provided by MetOne of the United States. The radiation sensor was provided by APPLEY of the United States and EKO of Japan. Gas analysis instrument was provided by Licor of the United States, and the soil moisture content, ultrasonic anemometer and data collector were provided by CAMPBELL of the United States. The observing system is maintained by professionals on a regular basis (2-3 times a year), the sensors are calibrated and replaced, and the collected data are downloaded and reorganized to meet the meteorological observation specifications of the National Weather Service and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The data set was processed by forming a time continuous sequence after the raw data were quality-controlled, and the quality control included eliminating the systematic error caused by missing data and sensor failure.


HiWATER: Dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with airborne PLMR mission in the upper reaches of the Heihe River Basin on August 1, 2012

The dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with airborne Polarimetric L-band Multibeam Radiometer (PLMR) mission was obtained in upper reaches of the Heihe River Basin on 1 August, 2012. PLMR is a dual-polarization (H/V) airborne microwave radiometer with a frequency of 1.413 GHz, which can provide multi-angular observations with 6 beams at ±7º, ±21.5º and ±38.5º. The PLMR spatial resolution (beam spot size) is approximately 0.3 times the altitude, and the swath width is about twice the altitude. The measurements were conducted along two transects respectively located at the west and east branches of the Babaohe River and two sampling plots in the A’rou foci experimental area. Along the transects, soil moisture was sampled at every 50 m in the west-east direction. In order to keep the ground measurements following the airborne mission as synchronous as possible in temporal, measurements were made discontinuously. In the A’rou foci experimental area, two sampling plots were identified with areas of 1.5 km × 0.6 km and 0.85 km × 0.6 km. In each plot, soil moisture was sampled at every 50 m in the west-east direction and 100 m in the north-south direction. Steven Hydro probes were used to collect soil moisture and other measurements. Concurrently with soil moisture sampling, vegetation properties were measured at some typical sampling plots. Observation items included: Soil parameters: volumetric soil moisture (inherently converted from measured soil dielectric constant), soil temperature, soil dielectric constant, soil electric conductivity. Vegetation parameters: biomass, vegetation water content, canopy height. Data and data format: This dataset includes two parts of measurements, i.e. soil and vegetation parameters. The former is as shapefile, with measured items stored in its attribute table. The measured vegetation parameters are recorded in an Excel file.
